We provide a free demo account for bullion trading.

You can experience MT4 platform and our super tight spreads# before real trading!

3 steps to start free demo trade easily

Why Choose Rakuten Securities Bullion?

1. Tight Spreads# and $0 Commission

Rakuten MT4 platform provides 3 account tiers and offers fixed tight spreads# for at least 99% of the time of the monthly core-time trading period. Without any commission charged and always challenge the lower spread, you can save your trading costs and maximize your chance to gain profits.

 Actual distributed percentage from Nov 2021 – Sep 2022

2. Powerful Platform

We provide MT4 trading platform which is used worldwide. It offers advanced technical chart and indicators, flexible trading system. You can customize MT4 to match your trading style and the strategies.

3. High Security of Funds

Clients’ funds are managed by independent trust accounts of locally registered banks and segregated with Rakuten Securities Bullion’s funds to ensure clients’ funds’ safety and the funds will not be affected by the company’s status.